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1 Power, profits and payments for ecosystem services in Hilsa fisheries in Bangladesh: A value chain analysis
~Ina Porras, Essam Y. Mohammed, Liaquat Ali, Md. Shahajat Ali, Md. Belayet Hossain
2 Geospatial Modeling for Investigating Spatial Pattern and Change Trend of Temperature and Rainfall
~Md. Abu Syed and M. Al Amin
3 Trends in flood risk management in deltas around the world: Are we going ‘soft’?
~Anna Wesselinka, Jeroen Warnerb, Md Abu Syedc, Faith Chand, Dung Duc Trane, Hamidul Huqf, Fredrik Huthoffg, Ngan Le Thuyh, Nicholas Pinteri, Martijn Van Staverenj, Philippus Westerk, Arjen Zegwaardl
4 ESPA Stakeholder Mapping, Research Gaps and Prioritized Actions in Bangladesh
~Dr. Dwijen Mallick, Omar Tarek Chowdhury, Nazzina Mohsin, Khalilullah
5 Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Compatible Development – Case Studies (Synthesis Paper)
~Prepared for the Climate Knowledge & Development Network (CDKN)
6 Low-cost Solar Water Distillation Plant
~A. Atiq Rahman, M. Eusuf*, Osman Goni Shawkat, Mizanur Rahman, Syeda Meherunnesa, Selim Reza and Kanta Aziz
7 Regional Cooperation to Combat Climate Change: The Way Forward
~Dr. A. Atiq Rahman
8 UN Climate Conference in Doha: Challenges and Opportunities
~Dr. Atiq Rahman
9 Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources and Human Health: Empirical Evidence from Vulnerable Areas in Bangladesh
~Md. Golam Rabbani, Saleemul Huq and Syed Hafizur Rahman. In Velma I. Grover
10 Climate Compatible Development (CCD) in Agriculture for Food Security in Bangladesh (Case Study)
~Dwijen Mallick, Ashraful Amin and Atiq Rahman
11 From Rio to Rio+20: Twenty years of sustainable development
~Saleemul Huq
12 Climate Change Implications for Dhaka City: A Need for Immediate Measures to Reduce Vulnerability
~Golam Rabbani, A. Atiq Rahman and Nazria Islam
13 Vulnerabilities and responses to climate change for Dhaka
~M.D. Golam Rabbani, Mozaharul Alam
14 Climate change and sea level rise: issues and challenges for coastal communities in the India Ocean region (Page-17)
~Golam Rabbani,A. Atiq Rahman and Nazria Islam
15 Vulnerable communities demand climate justice
~Dr. A. Atiq Rahman
16 Climate change and human rights
~Atiq Rahman
17 Women's vulnerability to water-related hazards: comparing three areas affected by climate change in Bangladesh
~Rabbani, M.D. Golam; Rahman, A. Atiq; Mainuddin, Khandaker Mainuddin
18 Environmental risks in Dhaka: present initiatives and the future improvements
~Md. Golam Rabbani
19 Risks, Vulnerability and Adaptation in Bangladesh
~A. Atiq Rahman, Mozaharul Alam, Sarder Shafiqul Alam, Md. Rabi Uzzaman, Mariam Rashid and Golam Rabbani


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Nobel Peace Prize in 2007
Dr. Atiq Rahman is a well recognized global leader in sustainable development. He was a lead author of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, which received Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. He was a recipient of this Noble Peace Prize with other scientists.
Champions of Earth
Dr Atiq Rahman has been awarded the UN Highest Award for Environment 'Champions of the Earth 2008'. This award recognizes the extraordinary leadership and his contribution to environmental issues, sustainable development and climate change.
Paribesh Padak
"Bangladesh National Environment Award - 2008" Dr. Atiq Rahman, Executive Director of BCAS, received the Award from the Government of Bangladesh for Environmental Research and Technology Innovation.
Climate Change And Development Link
Dhaka City - State Of Environment (SOE) 2005
Facing Up To Climate Change In South Asia
Promoting Eco-Friendly Agricultural Practices in the Chanda Beel/Area
Adverse Impacts of Climate Change on Development of Bangladesh Integrating Adaptation Into Policies and Activities
Adverse Impacts of Climate Change on Development of Bhutan Integrating Adaptation Into Policies and Activities
Adverse Impacts of Climate Change on Development of Nepal Integrating Adaptation Into Policies and Activities
Climate Change and The Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism Stories From The Developing World
South-North Dialogue On Equity In The Greenhouse A Proposal For An Adequate And Equitable Global Climate Agreement
Adaptation Day at Cop 9
Global Environmental Outlook 3
Mainstreaming Adaptation To Climate Change In Least Developed Countries (LDCS)
Groundwater Resources and Development in Bangladesh Background to the Arsenic Crisis, Agricultural Potential and the Environment
The End of Development? Global Warming, Disasters and The Great Reversal of Human Progress
Natural Resource Management-Towards Better Integration
People’s Livelihoods at the Land-Water Interface Emerging Perspectives on Interactions between People and Floodplain Environment
People’s Livelihoods at the Land-Water Interface Emerging Perspectives on Interactions between People and Floodplain Environment
Global Environment Outlook 2000
Amader Poribesh Our Environment (Training Manual)
Paribesh Biddya
Environment Profile: Bangladesh
Guide to the Environmental Conservation Act 1995 and Rules 1997
From Flood to Scarcity: Re-Defining The Water Debate In Bangladesh (Working Papers, Environment and Development Series No. 1)
Drinking Water, Bathing and Sanitation The Risk to Human Health in Rural Bangladesh (School of the Environment, Environment and Development series No. 2, Working Papers)
Asia Least-Cost Greenhouse Gas Abatement Strategy (ALGAS)- Bangladesh
Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change for Bangladesh
Exploding the Population Myth: Consumption Versus Population - which is the Climate Bomb?
Wetland Resource Management in Chanda BeeL
A New Initiative For North-South Dialogue On Climate Change Good Practices, Technology Innovation And New Partnership For Sustainable Development Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing the Climate
National Environment Management Action Plan (NEMAP) (4 vol)
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