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Accessing global climate finance at enhanced scale for Bangladesh
There are important roles for stake-holders outside government such as media, NGOs, and CBOs, and the private sector for ensuring climate finance
Moving ahead with the Agenda and Priority of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030
Bangladesh is one of the most disaster prone countries in the world. Global climate change brings additional threats to people and is undermining our development goals. The government of Bangladesh has made some progress in disaster risk management and preparedness. The country has formulated National Plan for Disaster Management in the light of HFA1 (UNISDR, 2005). Bangladesh has Disaster Management Act, 2012 and Standing Order on Disaster (SOD) to address both natural and man-made disasters. NGOs, research institutes, development agencies and civil society organizations are working actively with the government and vulnerable community to address disasters. There is still weakness in implementation, which is very often constrained by lack of resources, capacity among the actors and stakeholders, poor governance and lack of coordination.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Challenges of Inclusive Social and Economic Development in Bangladesh
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Challenges of Inclusive Social and Economic Development in Bangladesh
Increasing Loss & Damage from Climate Change Impacts
Increasing Loss & Damage from Climate Change Impacts: Vulnerable Communities in Coastal Bangladesh deserve Compensation
Post-2015 Development Agenda
Policy Brief 4: Post-2015 Development Agenda
Energy for the Poor and Women: Sustainable, Renewable and Clean Energy for Inclusive Development and Addressing Climate Change
Energy for the Poor and Women: Sustainable, Renewable and Clean Energy for Inclusive Development and Addressing Climate Change
CBA7 Proceedings
CBA7 Proceedings
CBA Synthesis Report
CBA Synthesis Report
Conference on Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change Focuses on Mainstreaming
2 May 2013: The 7th Conference on Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change (CBA7) was organized around the theme 'mainstreaming CBA into national and local planning.'
Climate Change Adaptation: A Race Against Time
DHAKA, May 7 2013 (IPS) - Adaptation and mitigation. Identified by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and by scientists as the two major responses to address the problem, these were also the twin preoccupations of a climate change conference held recently in Dhaka.
7th International Conference on community-based adaptation to Climate Change
Bangladesh is a riverine country and despite having only seven per cent land mass of South Asia, it drains 90 per cent water of the region into the Bay of Bengal.
The community in climate change adaptation plans
LAST Friday,the Daily Star reported on the importance of Community-Based Adaptation (CBA)
UN Climate Conference in Doha: Challenges and Opportunities
Climate change emerges as one of the greatest environment, development and global governance challenge that mankind has ever faced.
Mainstreaming green economy
Green Economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication” is one of the themes of the recent UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20). This writeup is an attempt to scrutinize the idea whether Bangladesh possesses the economic condition, natural and cultural assets, and the policy setting to embrace, if not lead, a green economy transition, which would in turn accelerate its development.
Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development
Representatives from BCAS will be attending Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development
For leading a 'green' life
World Environment Day (WED) is the main weapon of the United Nations to make people aware of the worldwide environmental degradation, and to attract their attention and action to its recovery.
Future Global Development Goals need to Balance Economic Growth with Environmental Concerns
Senior members of government, parliament, the United Nations, private sector, diplomatic missions and civil society came together on 31 May, 2012 to deliberate on Bangladesh`s possible approaches to future
Delivering effective climate finance
Responding to climate change requires urgent steps to prepare for climate related disasters, protect social and natural systems, arrest and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and restructure economies towards activities with low carbon footprints.
Dhaka's vulnerability to climate change
Take one of the most unplanned urban centres in the world, wedge it between four flood-prone rivers in the most densely packed nation in Asia, then squeeze it between the Himalaya mountain range and a body of water that not only generates violent cyclones...
Vulnerable communities demand climate justice, The Daily Star December 7 2009
THE COP-15 Summit in Copenhagen is aimed at implementing the Bali Action Plan as well as ensuring a credible follow up to the Kyoto Protocol. Many meetings across the world, of heads of governments, climate change negotiators....
Vulnerable communities demand climate justice
THE COP-15 Summit in Copenhagen is aimed at implementing the Bali Action Plan as well as ensuring a credible follow up to the Kyoto Protocol.
Climate change and human rights, The Daily Star July 17 2009
GLOBAL climate change has emerged as the greatest threat facing humankind today. The long arm of climate change impacts is likely to undermine various fundamental human rights and basic securities...
Climate change and human rights
GLOBAL climate change has emerged as the greatest threat facing humankind today. The long arm of climate change impacts is likely to undermine various fundamental human rights and basic securities.
Dreaded Footsteps of Climate Change, The Daily Star February 23 2009
Please see page 9 to details
China boosts global war against menace of the plastic bag
They can be found at 6,000 metres on snowbound passes over the Himalayas and in the depths of the Congolese rainforest.


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Nobel Peace Prize in 2007
Dr. Atiq Rahman is a well recognized global leader in sustainable development. He was a lead author of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, which received Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. He was a recipient of this Noble Peace Prize with other scientists.
Champions of Earth
Dr Atiq Rahman has been awarded the UN Highest Award for Environment 'Champions of the Earth 2008'. This award recognizes the extraordinary leadership and his contribution to environmental issues, sustainable development and climate change.
Paribesh Padak
"Bangladesh National Environment Award - 2008" Dr. Atiq Rahman, Executive Director of BCAS, received the Award from the Government of Bangladesh for Environmental Research and Technology Innovation.
Climate Change And Development Link
Dhaka City - State Of Environment (SOE) 2005
Facing Up To Climate Change In South Asia
Promoting Eco-Friendly Agricultural Practices in the Chanda Beel/Area
Adverse Impacts of Climate Change on Development of Bangladesh Integrating Adaptation Into Policies and Activities
Adverse Impacts of Climate Change on Development of Bhutan Integrating Adaptation Into Policies and Activities
Adverse Impacts of Climate Change on Development of Nepal Integrating Adaptation Into Policies and Activities
Climate Change and The Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism Stories From The Developing World
South-North Dialogue On Equity In The Greenhouse A Proposal For An Adequate And Equitable Global Climate Agreement
Adaptation Day at Cop 9
Global Environmental Outlook 3
Mainstreaming Adaptation To Climate Change In Least Developed Countries (LDCS)
Groundwater Resources and Development in Bangladesh Background to the Arsenic Crisis, Agricultural Potential and the Environment
The End of Development? Global Warming, Disasters and The Great Reversal of Human Progress
Natural Resource Management-Towards Better Integration
People’s Livelihoods at the Land-Water Interface Emerging Perspectives on Interactions between People and Floodplain Environment
People’s Livelihoods at the Land-Water Interface Emerging Perspectives on Interactions between People and Floodplain Environment
Global Environment Outlook 2000
Amader Poribesh Our Environment (Training Manual)
Paribesh Biddya
Environment Profile: Bangladesh
Guide to the Environmental Conservation Act 1995 and Rules 1997
From Flood to Scarcity: Re-Defining The Water Debate In Bangladesh (Working Papers, Environment and Development Series No. 1)
Drinking Water, Bathing and Sanitation The Risk to Human Health in Rural Bangladesh (School of the Environment, Environment and Development series No. 2, Working Papers)
Asia Least-Cost Greenhouse Gas Abatement Strategy (ALGAS)- Bangladesh
Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change for Bangladesh
Exploding the Population Myth: Consumption Versus Population - which is the Climate Bomb?
Wetland Resource Management in Chanda BeeL
A New Initiative For North-South Dialogue On Climate Change Good Practices, Technology Innovation And New Partnership For Sustainable Development Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing the Climate
National Environment Management Action Plan (NEMAP) (4 vol)
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