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Policy Dialogue on EbA in Bangladesh

EbA Evidence and Policy - click to see at iied webpage

A Policy Dialogue on Ecosystem based Approaches to Adaptation of Climate Change Impact: Strengthening Evidence and Informing the Policy, a research project funded by German Government and implemented by IUCN, IIED, BCAS in Bangladesh was held on 13 September 2018, in Matshya Bhaban, Dhaka. Objective of the Policy Dialogue was to discuss/share EbA policy research, evidence of EbA effectiveness for informing planners and policy makers of relevant development sectors (Agriculture, Forest, Fisheries, Water resource, Livestock and Environment) to integrate EbA in policy and use EbA.


48 participants from Government and Non-Government Organization including research organization, Universities, media people etc attended in the Policy Dialogue. Mr. Md. Raisul Alam Mondal, Secretary, Ministry of Fisheries & Livestock was present in the Policy Dialogue as the Chief Guest.


The ecosystem based approaches to adaptation (EbA – use of Ecosystem and Biodiversity to address Climate Change Adverse Impact) has been implemented in 12 countries of the world including Bangladesh for a period since 2015-2019 with the objective of assessing evidence of EbA effectiveness, gaps and how to address the gaps for informing and influencing national and international policy and planning process including EbA awareness/ knowledge and capacity building. In Bangladesh, evidence of effectiveness of EbA has been assessed taking the incentive based hilsa fisheries management programme in Bangladesh as a case study. The incentive based hilsa management using payment for ecosystem (PES) has been found very effective in increasing the production of hilsa in Bangladesh.


EbA project outcomes on policy research, evidence of EbA effectiveness, EbA skill survey and skill development including EbA tool navigators were discussed/ shared. The achievements of the Policy Dialogue are as follows:

Achievement/findings of the Policy Dialogue

(1)     The EbA research project has created awareness and knowledge about EbA among the managers, policy makers and planners.

(2)     Realization on the need of integrating EbA in the policy and planning process has developed. Stakeholders agreed to integrate climate change and adaptation including EbA issues in their policies.

(3)     Most of the sectoral national policies have not considered climate change, its mitigation and adaptation including EbA, because of the lack of awareness and knowledge about EbA and its effectiveness among most of the stakeholders.



 (1)   More research and initiatives are needed to strengthen awareness and knowledge base and create interest among the stakeholders about climate change and its mitigation and adaptation including EbA.

(2)  Policy advocacy for integrating climate change and its adaptation including EbA in the policy and planning process of the Govt. and implementation where appropriate and required.

(3)   Skill development proramme about climate change management and adaptation including EbA should be undertaken.

(4)   Research and studies should be undertaken to assess the impact of climate change in different sectors (Agriculture, Fisheries, Forest, Water Resource, Environment etc). and adopt measures for mitigation and adaptation including the EbA with better coordination among the sectors.

(5)   Relevant sectors/ministries/departments should integrate climate change and its adaptation issues in their policies and strategies.

Related Documents:

 Please click to download - EbA Project Profile

 Please click to download - EbA Policy Brief(2018), IIED-BCAS

 Please click to download - Ecosystembasd Adaptation Tool Navigator-2018



Mainstreaming adaptation benefits for Bangladesh’s freshwater ecosystems, Hannah Reid, Md Liaquat Ali, Md Monirul Islam, Charlotte Hicks (2018) IIED Briefing Paper

Ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation: strengthening the evidence and informing policy. Research results from the incentive-based Hilsa Conservation Programme, Bangladesh, Hannah Reid, Liaquat Ali (2018), IIED Project Report

Additional resources

Making ecosystems resilient through Bangladesh's Delta Plan, blog by Sheikh Moinul and Islam Moin, 2017

Ecosystem-based adaptation: question-based guidance for assessing effectiveness, Hannah Reid, Nathalie Seddon, Edmund Barrow, Charlotte Hicks, Xiaoting Hou- Jones, Ali Raza Rizvi, Dilys Roe, Sylvia Wicander (2017), IIED Toolkit

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Policy Dialogue on EbA in Bangladesh


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